The ALMAnaCH project-team at Inria Paris is recruiting for a 2-year research engineer position to work on the TraLaLaM ANR project. Deadline for applications: 21st January 2024 Applications should be made exclusively via Inria's recruitment platform: You will also find additional information concerning the position, advantages and required documents for applications. Context of the offer The aim of the TraLaLam ANR project, led by SYSTRAN and in collaboration with the Sorbonne Université (ISIR, CNRS) and Inria, is to investigate the use of large language models (LLMs) for machine translation, particularly whether it is possible to train them to handle new language pairs, domains and styles without the use of parallel data. There will be a focus on low-resource dialects and dialectal languages. The role of the engineer will be to work carry out experiments on using LLMs for low-resource scenarios on which they were not originally trained. In particular, this means implementing approaches for adapting LLMs to unseen languages such as embedding-based approaches (e.g. Kumar et al. 2021), multilingualism and transfer with similar (seen) languages (e.g. Song et al. 2023) and synthetic data creation (e.g. Tars et al. 2021). The engineer will be co-supervised by Rachel Bawden and Benoît Sagot at Inria Paris (France) in the ALMAnaCH project-team in collaboration with SYSTRAN and Sorbonne Université (ISIR, CNRS). Profile sought Candidates should have a Master 2 or equivalent (e.g. engineering school) in computer science (speciality artificial intelligence, machine learning or natural language processing). They should have a good level in programming (python), experience with neural networks and an interest in natural language processing. A good written and spoken level of English is required and a good level of French would be a plus. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong background in NLP and machine learning. Ideally, candidates should be able to show initiative, creativity and have a good eye for analysis of data and results.