Subject Title: Artificial intelligence and legal decisions: comparison of the performance of artificial intelligence techniques in order to understand and anticipate judges' reasoning based on evidence (evidential reasoning) Supervisors: Caroline BAZZOLI, Jean Kuntzmann Laboratory, Jean-Pierre CHEVALLET, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, Duration: 5-6 months Keywords : NLP; Machine learning ;Deep learning ; Text mining ; Introduction The objective of the project is to test and compare the performance of artificial intelligence systems derived from two different methodologies for predicting court decisions and identifying the criteria (facts and evidence) that influence the reasoning of judges. The first method consists in creating a mathematical model of judges' decisions based on a learning process that relies on the detailed annotation of several hundred judgments. The second method, is based on deep neural networks trained on the same corpus of judgments annotated with decision labels. This project is grounded on a close cooperation between computer scientists, jurists and statisticians. It involves both academic and industrial partners. It is the first academic research in France whose objective is to measure the performance of AI in the field of legal sciences. It seeks to find out to what extent state-of-the-art artificial intelligence models are likely to help understanding and anticipating judges' decisions. Internship subject The objective of the internship is to compare the performance of two scientific methods for analyzing the decision-making process of judges: on the one hand, a mathematical modeling method based on human annotation work, which requires both significant human resources and advanced legal skills; on the other hand, the use of recent advanced in natural language processing models based on word embeddings, i.e. representing words as vectors of numbers, based on their context (e.g. BERT Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) to build efficient text classification on legal texts. In this project, the student must setup an experiment that will test the capacity of a Neural Network (NN) to be trained to learn the judges decision. The NN will have as input vectors embedding transformations using FlauBERT developed in LIG as the sources text are in French. The internship missions are: Bibliographic study on the predictive efficiency of supervised classification applicable to our context by presenting their advantages and disadvantages. Programming of the Natural Language pre-processing phase of the text of court decisions for the use of FlauBERT. Test if a NN with text embeddings input, can learn and predict judges decisions only from judgments corpus Analyze and understand the usefulness on human annotation in the efficiency of the learning processing Find a way to automatically highlight in the original text, the passages that has been evaluated as strongly influential for the NN decision making. Candidate profile Master 2 in Computer science of Applied Mathématics Knowledge of programming tools in the machine learning domain : R, Python, pyTorch, etc. Theoretical knowledge in multivariate statistics, logistic regression and data analysis (classification, clustering and neural networks, DeepLearning) Scientific English. French reading could be important as the text collection is in French. Practical informations Location : Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble, Bâtiment IMAG, Université Grenoble Alpes, 700 avenue Centrale, 38401 Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d'Hères. Usual internship gratuity (around 540,00¤ per month) Duration : 5 or 6 months Supervisors : Jean-Pierre CHEVALLET (LIG), Caroline BAZZOLI (Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann), Etienne VERGES (Centre de recherche Juridique)