Research Internship proposal Internship: Subjective text classification in low-resource languages Duration: 6 months with a possibility to pursue a PhD Location: IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Advisors: Farah Benamara, IRIT, Toulouse University and IPAL-CNRS, Singpoure ( Leila Moudjari, IRIT-ANITI ( Context The offer takes place within a collaboration between IRIT and National University of Singapore on LLMs and multilinguality. Objectives: The internship will explore LLMs capabilities for subjective text classification (sentiment, emotion, irony, hate speech etc.) for low resource languages [1,2]. A state of the art will be conducted then a set of prompting strategies will be designed and compared to transformer-based fine-tuned approaches. Requirements for the student: -- Strong academic records -- A background in Machine learning/deep learning. -- A familiarity with NLP would be a plus. Given the nature of the project, the student should be open to work in a cross-disciplinary environment, and have good English communication skills. References: [1] Zhang et al., Sentiment Analysis in the Era of Large Language Models: A Reality Check. Findings@ACL 2024 [2] Abdeli et al. LAraBench: Benchmarking Arabic AI with Large Language Models. EACL 2024. To apply, send your CV+grades (relevés de notes) to by December 20th 2024